

  • [] Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler. higher level sw patterns recommended but getting old

  • [] Design Patterns, GOF. classical must-reading and must-have

  • [] Analyses Pattern, Martin Fowler. A rare book in this field - highly recommended especially for medical or financial oriented software analysts or architects

  • [] Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Buschmann et al. more patterns.

  • [] Pattern Hatching, John Vlissides. More insights - add-on, new insights to Design Pattern

  • [] Business Modeling with UML, Eriksson Nice book, tries to cover a broader variety of patterns (development, business, human interaction) - successful book, but I would favor Fowlers.

  • [] Object Models: strategies, patterns and applications, Peter Coad. Simpler, By Example style book.

  • [] Das objektorientierte Konstruktionshandbuch, Heinz Züllighoven. Unfortunately only in German. It is the best book for the WAM-called software architecture/view. recommended

  • [] Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman. An UML/patterns/process cross over. Probably a good book for a beginning software technician/manager with interests in OO.

  • [] Pattern Languages of Program Design (Series). Lots of reading for pattern fans. Some important, some interesting sometimes waste of time..

Methods an process

  • [] Object-oriented Analysis and Design, Grady Booch. A bit outdated, but still a classical. More technical in comparison with Rumbough or Jacobson books

  • [] Object Oriented Software Engineering, Jacobson. The inventor of Use Cases in its classical work. Good, but this topic is typically well covered in lots of newer books about UML.

  • [] The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Booch et al. Despite its name more an notation description you wont learn ood, but how to dray syntactically correct diagrams.

  • []Refactoring, Martin Fowler. Cannot recommend this highly regarded book. Realizing the importance of refactoring is one thing - but a complete book about moving methods and variables is not very interesting.

  • [] Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck. From the propagator of XP. I can agree with most of his ideas and practices - though my preferred way would be more alike an adaptive or agile process.

  • [] Object Oriented Analysis, Peter Coad. I still like this book. Simpler Methodology and Notation makes it a good starting point for learning OO. Two companions OOD and OOP available. Cannot recommend OOD though. OOP uses Smalltalk and C++ for all its examples - so if you are interested in a comparison of these two this book is a natural fit.

  • [] Implementing Domain-Driven Design, Vaughn Vernon, recommendation Java

  • [] Java Pitfalls, Daconta et al. Not as good as Effective C++ - but serving the same purpose.

  • [] Enterprise Java Beans, Monson-Haefel. Thorough coverage of EJB technology. Perhaps lacking some real world examples. My opinion: do not use ejb (pre ejb 3)

  • [] Graphics Java 2 Vol 2, David Geary. Programming GUI-applications with Swing

  • [] Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel - still a good read.

  • [] Java Tools for eXtreme Programming, Hightower. Written docs about ant, junit and affiliates. Do not expect anything about methodology though. OUTDATED

  • [] Java Programming with Corba, Vogel et al. Best book for corba with Java (OUTDATED note: corba is dead)

  • [] The Elements of Java Style, Vermeulen, et al. Why should you invent new ones, try the google styles too..


  • [] The Deadline, Tom de Marco. Easy and entertaining reading. Myths and truths about software projects a must read.

  • [] Peopleware, Tom de Marco


  • [] Just for fun, Linuz Torvalds. A biography of the famous creator of Linux